Last week we have started up another osmosis unit for the partial service of mains water (high quality printing, atmospheric air conditioning and boiler).
We supply industrially conditioned water with conductivities below 30microS from raw water with conductivities above 1300microS.
Working with osmosis water is nowadays an almost obligatory step, especially in industries with moderate/high steam production or processes with special requirements.
In addition to providing multiple advantages from the point of view of the performance of high quality printing machinery or the “quality” of life of the machinery and networks, in the current energy context it becomes an undoubted competitive advantage by minimising the energy losses caused by boiler blowdowns.
Just to give an example of the advantages involved, we can say that in the corrugated board production sector, for a 6000kg/h boiler serving a corrugator in two shifts with medium or medium/high hardness inlet water, having osmosed water could mean savings of between €350-500/day in gas consumption.
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