New project for AGOUR Fromagerie

Last Saturday, 6th November, our client AGOUR Fromagerie, celebrated its 40th anniversary by inaugurating the new cheese factory in Lizartza (Tolosa, Guipúzkoa) in which we participated as a supplier of the joint purification plant with Casa Eceiza.
The Lehendakari Urkullu attended an event that we are also proud to have been able to attend and where, as always, we felt at home.
Our special thanks to Peio Etxeleku, General Manager of the group, for mentioning us in his speech as suppliers of a very particular purification installation that we love . An special thanks to Pedro Jiménez, Operations Manager, for his hospitality.
We are looking forward to starting the renovation project of the treatment plant in Helette (France).
Let’s go for another 40 years!
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