Integral water cycle. Smurfit Kappa

Teknic successfully completes the comprehensive water conditioning, treatment after use and reuse project for Smurfit Kappa at its plant in Almeria.
Starting with water softening and osmotization, we produced 100% osmotized water for the boiler -which has allowed a 50% reduction in consumption with significant associated energy savings- and a controlled mixture with mains water for the rest of the water used in factory services (glue production, dispensing, toilets). All this at a controlled conductivity, which has substantially improved different processes such as technical cleaning.
After its use, a physical-chemical batch process, followed by a biological MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) treatment and a disinfection process allows the integral reuse of the water in the production of glue, in cleaning processes and even in the steam production flow, closing 100% of the water cycle.
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